Mtg card sets
Mtg card sets

mtg card sets

On MaHistoric Anthology 2 added 25 cards to the game from the sets Alara Reborn, Conflux, Dark Ascension, Dragons of Tarkir, Innistrad, Journey into Nyx, Magic 2015 Core Set, Mercadian Masques, Odyssey, Onslaught, Return to Ravnica, Scars of Mirrodin, Shards of Alara and Zendikar.

mtg card sets

The game update on Februadded The Gitrog Monster from Shadows over Innistrad with the Brawlers' Guildhall event. With the return of the Brawlidays event in February 2020, the card Talrand, Sky Summoner from Magic 2013 was added. With the patch on Decemthe card Rhys the Redeemed from Shadowmoor was added. These partially sets include cards from Gatecrash, Invasion, Eldritch Moon, Darksteel, Morningtide, Magic Origins, Magic 2011, Modern Horizons, Saviors of Kamigawa, Magic 2010, Lorwyn, Rise of the Eldrazi, Weatherlight, Eighth Edition and Worldwake. With the patch on Novem(Historic Anthology 1) twenty cards from older sets were added to the game.

Mtg card sets